About this project
This was a 4-year USAID funded project through Feed the Future Malawi Integrating Nutrition in Value Chains (INVC). The project was implemented between July 2013 and was completed in June 2016.
AIM of the project
The aim of the project was to reduce prevalence of stunting in children under the age five in Lilongwe and Mchinji districts, as well as improve household agricultural productivity to reduce rural poverty.
Pakachere IHDC’s role was to:
• Provide technical support for effective implementation of social and behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Interventions among implementing partners.
• Developing and producing SBCC packages including mass media and print products to support dissemination of SBCC messages.
• Building capacity of community based drama groups in theatre for development to enable them effectively conduct participatory drama performances in communities.
• Conducting positive deviance inquiries and market surveys to establish barriers towards adopting desired practices by learning from positive deviants and informing other partners on approaches and the messages that should be used to promote behavior change among late adopters
Pakachere IHDC implemented the SBCC component in 17 Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) in Lilongwe and Mchinji. The primary beneficiaries of the project were children under the age of 5 and pregnant and lactating mothers. Small holder farmers were also targeted through some of the components of the project.