Expanding Malawi HIV/AIDS Prevention with Local Organizations working for an Effective Epidemic Response (EMPOWER)


The EMPOWER – DREAMS Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Activity, is a five-year (2020 – 2025) USAID-funded project implemented by a consortium of FHI 360 (lead) and two Local Implementing Partners (LIPs); Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) and Pakachere Institute for Health and Development Communication (Pakachere IHDC).

EMPOWER Activity’s goal is to support the Government of Malawi’s commitment to epidemic control by stopping HIV transmission and preventing new HIV infections among AGYW, (10–24 years) in  Zomba, Phalombe and Machinga. EMPOWER collaborates with partners working in the community and the Ministry of Health to strengthen linkages and referrals and provide comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV and Gender-based violence (GBV) service packages.

The service packages include individual risk assessment and risk reduction counselling; condom distribution and promotion of use; full range of contraceptive options; HIV testing services (index testing, HIV self-testing); PrEP screening and referral; and GBV prevention and response including post-violence clinical and non-clinical care and support.


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